2015년 8월 27일 목요일

At the Nizamuddin station

At Nizamuddin train station in India, it was too crowds and seems to be hell.
It was also dirty, noisy, too much messy, sticky eyes and fighting people
The weather was really hot.
Moreover my luggage was obviously too heavy.

We took a train to move another place.
The train station seems to be a mess.
Various people , noise and hot weather.
Even though I had been to India 3 times , it made me exhausted.
However Sura did not get stressed because she has more experience of traveling than me.
Unfortunately , we fought again as my stress.
I think the love could define fighting each other.  

지역이동을 위해 우리는 기차를 탔었다.
기차역은 정말 난장판이었다.
각양각색의 인간들과 소음 그리고 뜨거운 날씨
인도를 세 번이나 왔었지만 이 모든 것들이 나를 힘들게 했었다.
반면에 아내는 다년간의 여행경험 때문인지 아주 여유로워 보였다.
나의 스트레스 때문에 결국 우리는 또 다시 싸웠었다.
사랑의 다른 말은 싸움인것같다.

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